Apr 30, 2010

Reality Bites.

hai thar.

Hokai. Lets start the post with a very pretty picture that you all might be interested in.


The full story:

It was a rainy day. The rain was so heavy that the ants on the grounds thought they are definitely going to drown to extinction. The road was crying from all the heavy rains.

'Oh the rain hurts me sooo..'

The road cringed.

Everyone was riding in their aluminium/plastic/fiber/hard steel/metal made machine that runs on wheels very cautiously and slowly with blaring warning lights. The people were screaming silently in agony,

'When oh when will this stop!'

And among those people, one of them was getting very impatient. He was inside a monstrous, black colored vehicle, passing warnings as it passes every other vehicle showing its menacing looks. He was in the middle lane. But that quickly changed. He quickly swerved to the right lane, unable to bear it any longer. He then brought the beast up to speed, and left everyone else behind.

What he did not know, was when he was in the middle lane, someone behind him was also VERY, VERY impatient with the current event that was going on.

That someone, was very late. VERY. It was 5.10pm, , he has not reached his university yet, and he has not studied anything for the exam that he was about to take the next day.

Riding his also monstrous but with a smaller chassis vehicle, he followed the beast that was in front of him. So now him and the monstrous beast is on the same lane. The right lane. The fastest lane. But all the other vehicles were moving at a very low speed for a right lane, 60 or 70km/h at best.

But the beast ignored the rain, and tried to speed up. So did the person behind him. That person tried to catch up with the beast, and somehow, managed to do exactly that. He was getting closer, and closer, and closer. And suddenly, it seemed he was getting TOO close.

There was nothing left to do but one thing. He quickly pressed the brakes as soon as he saw the black beast's brake lights lighted up brightly, suddenly, abruptly.

He pressed the brakes. But no, the vehicle he was inside was still crawling towards the beast.
He pressed harder, until it reached the floor of the vehicle. Unwilling to bow to the horror of the pinching brakes, the vehicle kept crawling, as the road was very slippery, and then it seemed what was about to happen, is inevitable. The two vehicles got very close to each other, and the person inside the small vehicle closed his eyes for what was coming. seconds passed by. Nothing happened. The person opened his eyes, and he found out his vehicle had come to a complete stop. He was more than thankful. The beast was probably only a few centimeters in front of him.

He was lucky. More than lucky. The vehicle was cold because of the air cond, added by the rain outside. But the person was sweating. So he wiped his sweat and pulled into first gear, to start his journey again.

As fate would have it, this time he was not so lucky.


The sound was so loud that perhaps the people on the other side of the world could have heard it.

The person inside the small vehicle was in shock.

The engine died.

The radio died.

And the sound of the surroundings quickly became a big, blur buzzing sound.

What just happened? Then his brain processed. Someone hit his vehicle. His heart was pounding louder than ever.
He looked around in his small vehicle. Everything is a mess. Everything was thrown violently in random directions, due to the impact.

As he sat in the car for the remaining 7-10 seconds, his brain went blank.

The thought about exams,
the thought about getting to the university as fast as he could,
the thought about his friends,
the thought about the possibility that the girl of his dreams might hate him now more than ever,
the thought about singing along to the song that was playing on the radio,
the thought about forgetting to bring along the pendrive containing something important,
and the thought about continuing to chew the melon-flavored gum in his mouth,


All he could process at the time was

'What now?'

Then he got out of his vehicle. He looked behind him. Crystal clear, he saw the vehicle that hit him. With the heavy rain pounding on every inch of his body, with the sound of vehicles honking around him, he dashed to the vehicle.

As soon as he reached the vehicle, the person inside came out.

He studied the man. Old, alone. And chinese.

With a confused, unsatisfied, angry feeling bottled up in his head, he shouted,

'OI! APE NI?!'

The man that hit him responded with a faded

'Im sorry.'

But by this time he was pissed off.

'What sorry? Apsal you langgar kereta I? You tak nampak ke?'

The man said

'Sorry, tak sempat brake tadi. Jalan licin.'

The man tried to make a smile. But he looked quite scared and unsure of what to do.

The person was about to vent his anger at the man, but then he looked at the man's vehicle.

Only one word could describe it.


The man's vehicle, Toyota Avanza, the left side, was, for the lack of a better term, totaled. The left side grill, the light, the foglight, was gone. Its like the vehicle version of Two Face, from Batman. Right side, normal. Left side, holy shiz.

The person looked at his small vehicle that was hit. Bumps on the bonnet, and on the bumper. Typical, perhaps, for an impact like that. But the man's vehicle, was different. Did his vehicle do this, the person thought.

The person's anger quickly turned into pity.

'You ok ke?'

The person asked the man that hit his vehicle.

'Ok ok. Tak ada apa apa.'

Then he continued

'Tak pe la. Depan tu ada bengkel, kita pegi sana then tengok berapa kena. Then kita settle situ lah.'

As soon as he was about to move to his vehicle, a man with an umbrella came.

'Bawak tepi you guys punya kereta'

He said to both of them.

The person ran to his small vehicle, while wondering who was that. Then as soon as he moved the vehicle, the person went back to the other vehicle.

Then another person came.

That person gave the person who was driving the small vehicle a card, and said

'Bang, saya dari company ni and kami akan bertanggungjawab atas kereta abang, tak payah bayar satu sen pon. Sebab abang tak salah.'

Then the person responded

'Oh yeke?'

Then he remembered. Of course it was not his fault, he was hit for F's sake. The man that hit him is the one that is at fault.

Being the first time getting into a road accident (not counting the overnight accident), the person just listened and followed the company man's instructions. Then after getting the license plate of the man's vehicle that hit the person's small vehicle, the person and the company man left the scene to make a police report.

To summarize what happened next,

The person made a police report.
The man that hit him did not. Until a few days later.
The person had to leave the vehicle with the company, possible for a week, to get it repaired.
The person was told he's not responsible and he does not have to worry, and no money is required for repairs.
The company sent the person back to his university, arriving around 8pm.
The person slowly began to sink into trauma.

End of story.

It was a wake up call for me. Before this whenever I brake, I rarely cared about the car at the back, you know. Like you just automatically trust the people at the back.

But this time I was taken by surprise.

Well now I am worried whether this will affect my driving. Hopefully not. Hihi.

So after this, ALWAYS look at your rear mirror whenever you are making an emergency brake.

Then the next day I had my exam. QMT, which stands for Statistics. Well it has a longer name, but I'm too lazy to type it. And also BEL, which is English.

Bel, was okay. But QMT, just turned my day into a nightmare. After I finished, I could not stop thinking about all the errors I made. And so I'm now worried more than ever about the paper. Hopefully I will pass the paper, at least. Please no more repeats. God help me.

So now I have two more papers, then I will be free of all the horrors of studying, until 17th of May. Intersession, dude. Totally not cool.

Oh, before ending this, I have something to say.

I'm sorry.
I felt stupid that night. I said things. Alot of things. I just wanted to hang out with you, chill with you and talk, and perhaps I just miss..


Jiwang habis.

I cant be like that. I tried being jiwang and all that, tapi rase pelik doe. haha. Cam ape je. Im not that kinda guy, now I know.

Tapi ape pon, aku nak cakap jugak.

I'm sorry. Malam tu aku cakap benda yang aku tak patut cakap. Sebenarnya aku stress nak mampus dengan paper tu, dengan accident tu, and a few other things. Aku ingat nak sembang dengan kau. Sebab selama ni kalau aku stress gile aku selalu ajak kau makan, even kadang kadang kau pon buat aku stress. Haha. Tapi bila lepak dengan kau je mesti aku rase best. Aku suka sembang dengan kau face to face. Aku tak berape suke doe cakap kat fon, nanti mesti ade "haa?" from aku or kau. haha. and bile face to face aku bole carik gado, and nanti msti kau marah, and aku suke tengok kau marah. And selalunye mesti kau fight back. kau mesti nak menang jugak haha. Lagipun aku ingat kau dah nak balik. And I thought, why not, the last dinner, just like last sem. Sebab tu aku nak makan dengan kau je. And bila dia still nak makan dengan kau, even probably hari2 die makan dengan kau, aku cam sedih gila kot. Salah ke aku nak makan dengan kau for the last time? Aku jumpe kau pon kadang2 bape minggu skali je. Salah ke? Aku tau aku selfish. Aku tak paham kau. Aku tak cube pon. Aku selalu nak kau je ikut aku. Aku pentingkan diri sendiri. Tapi kadang2 kau cuba ikut je. Macam aritu aku ajak kau makan, even kau ade assignment tak siap lagi, and tak bind lagi, and kene submit hari esoknye. Tapi kau datang jugak. Dengan laptop kau. Kau cool doe. Bak kate kawan aku, maybe you dont want to hurt my feelings. Betulla kot ape die kate. Tapi aku selalu nak paksa kau. Macam malam tu, aku still nak makan dengan kau even though ko kene teman kawan ko. Aku memang bengong. Aku tau. And mase conversation kita makin panjang, aku makin mengarut. Aku tau aku mengada. Tapi kau terus je layan, even aku tau kau mesti tak tahan nak hang up phone. Lepas call tu, aku rase cam nak tampar je muke sndiri doe. haha. Maybe bagi kau bende tu kecik je sebenarnye. Tapi bagi aku besar. Aku tak selalu cakap bende2 camtu. Aku rase bodo gile. Cam pondan pon ade kot malam tu. haha. Tahla. So aku taktau la maybe kau dah tak tahan sangat dengan perangai aku, and aku tak tau la maybe kau still baca ke tak blog aku ni, tapi i just wanna say I'm sorry. And hopefully, i can have that one last dinner with you for this semester, if you still want to. :)

FAR110 - 2/5/10.
AIS200 - 5/5/10. LAST PAPER BABY!

Im coming home 6/5/10. So prepare all the shisha cause we are going all out that night! YEAH!!!



    kau accident nep....
    hahahha... dah bole seeeppp~~~


  2. hahahahah..sep mel sepp! kita da bole geng skang! hahaha...tp put xleh lg sbb die x accident lg do!

  3. 1st impression:
    ish anep accident
    Mood: pity

    2nd impression:
    eh jiwang.
    Mood: pity-er

    3rd impression:
    shishaa! WOOHOOO
    Mood: Hyped

    4th impression:
    nak aku accident? BABIII!!!
    korang bawak 80 km/j aku bawak 180 la sial!
    kang aku arwah sumpah korang xkan senang sampai 15 keturunan.
    ko ingat mahsuri pro?
    aku bikin lagi kaw kaw punya sumpahan!

    Mood: aku nak sembelih babi pastu kepala dia letak depan rumah 2 org member aku.
    or EX-member for what's worth.

