Nov 23, 2009

Hello People.

This post is going to be filled with nothing but crap.

So feel free to leave.


Im tired.
Im sleepy.
Im hungry.
Im annoyed.
And Im fucking pissed off.

Last week when I came back from Uni, I thought my break would be a fun one because things started out good. Well, I guess things started out too good. Like one would say

When its too good, its never good.

Woke up this morning. Received shitty news.

But I thought, thats okay, I guess. There are other things to do.

Then something else happens.

I thought I could fix it.

I was wrong.

Then I discovered about ..

I found out the truth.

The truth is a bitch.

Everyone knows that.

And it is a definite pain in the A.

Thats when the depression starts.

I dont know what the hell is going on, but lately things around me just start to fail. Starting from a few days after I got back, until now, nothing seems to work like it is supposed to anymore. And nothing goes the way like it should.

No matter how happy your life is, when things just start to disappoint you one by one, you are bound to get depressed.

If you've read until this point, you must be thinking

specifics please, anep!

But I'm too lazy to write it all. And it wouldnt matter to you anyway.

I hate this. Me typing all this nonsense, and you thinking

"man, anep is one emo douchebag".

But I have to let it out somehow. One way or another. So I figured it would be best to write it here.

So I wouldnt be burdening anyone by forcing you guys to listen to these craps, and you even have an option to NOT read it. Cool right?

The only thing that made me happy was something that happened a few days ago. Something crazy I did. Even that didnt exactly happen like I thought it would, but hey, at least it happened.

So after being so fed up, I decided to sleep through the whole day. Until night.

Depression probably couldnt be cured through sleep, but hey, it made me feel a little better.

I told you this post was going to be filled with nothing but crap.

I just wasted your time.


P/S: Looking forward to gath.


  1. oy john.
    asal weyh?
    kau ok x?
    i'll always be here if you don't hv sumone to talk to..

  2. hoh. anep sepaking.
    bkn speaking eh.

    chill nep ;)
    sya ade sini. YEAH ! :d
