May 22, 2010


hai thar.

I'm bored.


Entertain me? xD

Do you know why most of my posts seem depressing? Haha.

Me neither. xD

Oh also I have finished my short course! I mean only finished 1 week of it. Teehee.

Short course is okay lah kot.

Currently my classes are:

Monday 8.30
Tuesday 10.30
Wednesday 8.30
Thursday 10.30
Friday 8.30

Haha. Kinda weird and annoying but can't complain right? =D

Typical routine is:

Morning - Class
After class - Eat outside
After eat - Sleep
Wake up time -
After shower - Eat outside
After eat - Chill out
After chilling out - Work.
After 5 minutes of studying - Sleeeeep. ( or facebook ). Teehee.

And the routine continues the next day.

It was unanimously decided to stay inside UiTM since we could not find any other place to stay at.

It feels kinda cool since there are only about 60 people in one block. So sometimes we get that crazy feeling that we own the building. :P

Even the parking spaces (note the plural) are owned by me xD.

Should've seen how I parked. Hehe.

On normal days, the way I parked would have been followed by death threats from people. Haha.

And of course crazy activities will follow. Haha.

However, thats all during the day.

During the night, though...

"Weh aku nak mandi dowh, sape nk teman?"

A typical conversation after the clock passes 7.00 PM.


We all are a bunch of sissy bitches.

But hey, a block with a history with paranormal, you can't be too brave aite? Heh Heh.

A few days ago I found out something.

Well, lets just say, saying I got depressed is an understatement.

It literally, well not literally, but in a way, broke my heart.

Wow I am so good with words yo hahahaha!

I've been depressed before but this thing, wow. Its like a whole new level of crappiness. Haha.

I was so depressed I did something I never thought I would. I hated it. But at the time it seemed to be 'WOW FANTASTIC!'

What a pathetic wimp. Haha.

It did not help not being able to have anyone to talk to about it other than your own 5 other roommates.

They wouldn't understand.

But after that I got to talk to somebody. I guess it relieved things a bit? Yeah I guess so. =)

Well, thats all.

Wow that was short.

I will now end this post abruptly.


Eh, btw aku dah buat dah.

Buat ape?


Tapi aku dah buat dah. Haha. Out of maximum boredom.

Nantilah aku tambah.


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